The FloorPlan: Not Just About Planning Where Your Workstation Should Go…

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OK. I am about to state the obvious.
Whether your company is undergoing a corporate renovation, reconfiguration or moving to a new location, it is imperative that a floorplan drawn to scale be created and reviewed before any wall or workstation is built or office furniture and equipment is put into place.
Obvious, right? But sometimes such an important step can be overlooked to perceptibly save time or money, or maybe because it is just not thought of.
Now for the not-so-obvious.
A floorplan is not only necessary for the purpose of outlining where workstations, offices and office equipment should go, but it serves an additional purpose—one related to safety and accessibility.
You see, a properly designed office floorplan needs to take into account certain corporate space rules in order to ensure an office workspace is safe and comfortable for all employees and visitors.
Here are the top three corporate space rules a floorplan should abide by:
1.   A floorplan should map out where all the emergency exits are located.  Emergency exits need to be easily accessible to all employees and visitors from anywhere in the office. Not only does there need to be clear passageways to those exits, but workstations and offices should be situated no further than 30 metres away from at least one emergency exit.
2.  The floorplan should ensure that pathways between workstations and offices are wide enough to allow for a minimum of two people  to walk side by side or, better still, to accommodate wheelchair accessibility.
3.  A floorplan should allow for each individual workstation or office space to be spacious enough for employees to work efficiently and effectively. This, of course, would be determined by the nature of the job demands as well as the amount of time each employee will spend working at that workstation or in that office space itself.
These and other rules outlined by provincial laws relating to Building Code and Health and Safety should play an increasingly important role in governing the design of an office floorplan.

2 thoughts on “The FloorPlan: Not Just About Planning Where Your Workstation Should Go…

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