Month: September 2016

The New Face of Office Space Storage

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freedom-combistore-silverline-02In the new world of office space design and office furniture, the key is flexibility. From flexible walls to mobile office furniture to meeting pods, everything that defines an office space needs to be “subject to change” in location or look with relatively little to no difficulty, time or expense— or at the very least, be able to serve multiple purposes. Office space storage cabinets are no exception.

Office space storage cabinets for 2017 will not only take on a slightly different look but also serve more than one purpose. In terms of looks, the new standard filing cabinet could be customized to incorporate the colour scheme of the office, and have a glass or wooden top surface. The individual storage areas in a cabinet can be a set of horizontal drawers, vertical cabinet doors or a combination of both, allowing for multiple storage systems to be used in one office space storage unit. For example, the horizontal drawer space would be used for letter, legal or A4 filing, while the vertical cabinet door area would be used to hang up coats and store personal belongings. All sections of the office space storage unit would have secure locking systems to keep all contents safe.

And no longer will they necessarily have to be lined up against a wall—they can be the wall! That’s right! Creatively placed in an open office space design, the new office space storage cabinets can be used as a divider to further define or separate a work space from a meeting space. How clever is that?

With the rising popularity of flex hours and desk sharing, and the more simple contemporary designs of actual office desks, the popularity of storage at an actual desk is on the decline. It only makes sense that file storage cabinet units pick up the slack with their new contemporary design and purpose.


DJ Mcgauley and Associates Inc. is your Office Space Planning, Renovations and Relocation Project Management Company of choice. If a renovation or relocation of your office space is in your plans, please contact us to arrange a no-obligation site meeting. By the end of that meeting, you will know all that would be required to make your office renovation/relocation project a successful reality.

Call 416-239-1931, email [email protected] or visit our website for more information and to complete our contact form.



Cooper, E., Office Design Advice, Posture People, “Office Furniture Trends for 2017”,

Apres, FRD Comb:Store, Cabinet and Drawer Combined Office Storage, www.

Happy Labour Day Weekend!

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Labour Day w DJM logo 2016

DJ Mcgauley and Associates Inc. is your Office Space Planning, Renovations and Relocation Project Management Company of choice. If a renovation or relocation of your office space is in your plans, please contact us to arrange a no-obligation site meeting. By the end of that meeting, you will know all that would be required to make your office renovation/relocation project a successful reality.

Call 416-239-1931, email [email protected] or visit our website for more information and to complete our contact form.