Month: December 2013

Happy New Year

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Happy New Year
Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2014!

Holiday Greetings from DJ Mcgauley & Associates Inc

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays video card from DJ McGauley & Associates Inc. Who are we? Visit to find out!

What Not To Forget When Moving Offices – “Redirection of Mail”

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The end of the year is in sight!  With year-end comes the urgency to tie up loose ends, boost sales, and finalizing business deals. Year-end is also a prime time for implementing organizational changes for the coming year such as changes in staff or moving to a new office location.  Top that with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and you have the perfect platform for missing some essential details, especially when it comes to moving offices from one location to another. In fact, in our 20+ years of experience of helping companies relocate, we have found that 8 out of 10 companies make the same common errors when relocating to a new office.

Want to know one of them?  Here it is:

  • Failure to arrange the redirection of mail with the post office

Surprised?  Don’t be.  Companies can easily negate arranging the redirection of mail because they may have internal systems in place to inform their database of current stakeholders of any changes they make with the company.  As well, the rise in the use of social media for businesses may appear to slowly negate the need to address the redirection of mail with the postal company.

So why is arranging the redirection of mail with the postal service so important? Here are a few reasons:

  1. It covers all bases.  Even if your company can inform its entire CRM database of your company’s new address, utilizing the postal company’s redirection of mail service both emphasises the change and can catch any drippings of important mail from those patrons who may not be on the CRM list or who may correspond with your organization once or twice in the year.
  2. It’s a time-saver.  With all the other intricate details involved in moving offices and running your regular business operations, contacting your postal service and taking advantage of their redirection of mail or mail forwarding service is one way to take care of a very important job in less than five minutes, especially since those arrangements can now be made online.  In addition, the postal service can continue ensuring your mail is forwarded to the correct address for weeks, months or even a full year, so you won’t have to worry about it.
  3. It can be cost-effective.  Postal services, like Canada post for example, may charge a small fee for taking care of the redirection of mail, but compare that to the cost of having a staff member take time out of their regularly scheduled activities to consolidate a list, prepare a “change of address” announcement and managing the sending of that message to your contacts, paying the postal service may be the cheaper route to go.

So if your company is planning to start the upcoming  year in a new office location, remember to contact your post office and take advantage of their redirection of mail service.

T’was the week before moving day…

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(The following poem is dedicated to all the businesses that are planning to relocate to a new office space in and around the holiday season.)


T’was the week before moving day

And all through the office

Everybody was scurrying

Including the bosses

There were lots to be done

To move from old place to new

But where to start

Nobody knew


So they called in a specialist

To address their quandary

Who would help them get ready

On time, budget and with little worry


“To ensure your move goes without any stress

There are 12 things that you need to address

Twelve tasks that are commonly forgotten

When companies choose to move to a new location


First, at the new space, identify

Where cable and electrical outlets lie

Then clearly define what will go where

Based on actual furniture and items that will move there


The next two tasks involve telling third parties

Of your new address and the date you will occupy it

Inform your postal service to reroute your mail

And your phone company so new phone lines won’t fail


Next is the packing but before you do

Take personal valuables home with you

Then determine what items need to be trashed

And whatever is leftover is what you should pack


Label all items that will be moved

With name and station number they should be moved to

Leave nothing amiss, not a lamp, not a chair

So the movers can deliver your items right there


Scheduling IT is the next thing to do

To disconnect at the old space and reconnect at the new

Your telecommunications system should be moved and tested

By a specialist that will ensure they perform at their best


Finally, confirm that your company name

Will be listed on the signage of your new domain

Both at the entrance and on your suite floor

So stakeholders can be easily led to your door


With all the above done, you’ll be in good shape to move

To leave the old place and embrace the new

When all is in place to meet operation needs

All that will be left is for your business to succeed.”